Monday, September 29, 2014


Hello!  My name is Alisha and welcome to Dunaway Residence.

I'm quite new to the blogging world.  I adore crafting, cooking, reading, and cleaning.  For some time I've said repeatedly that I want to blog but kept putting it off.  So here I am starting out and wanted to give a nice welcome post.

Dunaway Residence is going to be filled with ideas that surround not only myself, but my husband, our daughter and our soon-to-be son.  Baby #2 is due in February and I've got to get on the ball!  But between now and then we still have Baby #1's 4th birthday AND Christmas.  Boy, I'm going to have my hands full.

Please leave suggestions/ideas/questions for me in the comments or email me at  I look forward to this exciting new experience!